Research Interests: Model theory, especially model-theoretic
algebra (existentially complete, quantifier-eliminable,
and homogeneous structures in algebra)
Selected Publications
Refined restricted involutions (with Emeric Deutsch
and Aaron Robertson), European Journal of Combinatorics,
vol. 28 (2007), 481-498.
Refined restricted permutations (with Aaron Robertson
and Doron Zeilberger), Annals of Combinatorics,
vol. 6 (2002), 427-444.
Prime e.c. commutative rings in characteristic
n >=2, Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 64, no. 2 (1999),
On a combinatorial problem from the model theory
of wreath products, I, Journal of Combinatorial
Theory, Series A, vol. 86, (1999), 281-305.
On a combinatorial problem from the model theory
of wreath products, II, Journal of Combinatorial
Theory, Series A, vol. 86, (1999), 306-322.
On a combinatorial problem from the model theory
of wreath products, III, Journal of Combinatorial
Theory, Series A, vol. 89, (2000), 231-269.
Solution to problem 10655, American Mathematical
Monthly, March 2000, p. 281.