Recent and Selected Publications
- Articles
- (with M. Conder and R Jajcay), Regular Cayley maps for abelian
- (with B. Richter, J Siran, R Jajcay, and M Watkins), Cayley maps,
appear in J. Comb. Th B.
- (with T Pisanski), Growth in products of graphs, Australas. J.
Combin. 26 (2002), 155-169.
- (with T. Pisanski and B. Zgrablic), Strongly
graphs and uniquely shift-transitive graphs, Algebraic and topological
methods in graph theory (Lake Bled, 1999), Discrete Math. 244 (2002),
no. 1-3, 389-398.
- (with T Pisanski), Growth in repeated truncations of maps,
to the memory of Professor M. Pezzana (Italian), Atti Sem. Mat. Fis.
Univ. Modena 49 (2001), suppl., 167-176.
- (with J Siran and M Watkins), Realizing finite
edge-transitive orientable maps,
J. Graph Theory 37 (2001), no. 1, 1-34.
- Rethinking rigor in calculus: the role of the mean value theorem,
Amer. Math. Monthly 104 (1997), no. 3, 231--240.
- (with G P Scott), Some examples of exotic noncompact 3-manifolds,
Quart. J. Math. Oxford Ser. (2) 40 (1989), no. 160, 481--499.
- A refined Hurwitz theorem for imbeddings of irredundant Cayley
graphs, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 36 (1984), no. 3, 244--268.
- (with J L Gross), Stratified graphs, Discrete Math 143 (1995), 71-86.
- Finite groups acting on surfaces and the genus of a group, J Comb.
Th. B
34 (1983) 82-98.
- Noncompact 3-manifolds and the missing-boundary problem, Topology
(1974), 267-273.
- Books
- (with J L Gross), Topological Graph Theory, Wiley-Interscience,
New York, 1987, 351 pp + xv.
- (with Hughes-Hallett, Gleason et al), Calculus, John Wiley and
Sons, New York,
First Edition 1994, Second Edition 1998.
- Editor, Priming the Calculus Pump, MAA Notes 17, Washington DC
- Rethinking rigor in calculus: the role of the Mean Value Theorem,
Math Monthly 104 (1997), 231-240.
Born: July 15, 1945
Family: Wife Mollie and children Tom and Emily
AB Harvard 1967, PhD Dartmouth 1971, Postdoc Princeton 1971-73,
Colgate University 1973-present (Asst Prof 1973-78, Assoc 1978-83, Full
Charles Hetherintgon Chair in Mathematics, 1996-present, Department chair
1982-86 and 2001-present,
Acting Dean of College 1991-92, Director of Div Nat Sci 1993-96)
Visiting Professor Dartmouth 1978-79, Member Mathematical Sciences
Research Institute (Berkeley) 1996-97, Visiting International Expert at
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) May 1997.
Other: Vice President of the Mathematical Association of America 1990-92;
Advanced Placement Mathematics Committee for the College Board 1979-8,
(chair 1983-87); consultant for the Institute for Defense Analysis (now
CCR) summers
1974,75,78,79,84,85; consultant for ETS, the College Board,
New York State BOCES, Westat,
National Council
of Teachers of Mathematics ("Figure This" media project); numerous grants
from NSF
in research and in education; President of the nonprofit foundation
Calculus Consortium
for Higher Education