MATH 112: Calculus II, Lantz section

TEXT: James Stewart, Calculus, Early Transcendentals, Single Variable, 6th edition, Thomson, Brooks/Cole, 2008.


WEB ADDRESS: This page has the web address:
I encourage you to bookmark it on your computer for later use.

HOMEWORK: A list of assignments appears at
Assignments will be added as the semester proceeds. Due dates will be specified in class. The solutions are in .pdf format; in order to read them, you will need to download and install Adobe Acrobat Reader (which is free) from

TESTS: There will be three mid-term exams, on Tuesday evenings, 7:30-9:30 p.m., on the dates listed below, in the usual classroom. A cumulative final exam will be given during the officially scheduled final exam periods for this course. If it is impossible for you to take one of the mid-terms during the scheduled period, please see me to set a time to take it early, ahead of the scheduled time.
There will not be organized "review sessions" for the exams, but during class on the Monday before each exam, I will answer any question put to me. (If you stop asking questions, I will begin to lecture on new material.)

GRADING: Each exam (including the final) will be worth one-fourth of the course grade. Homework will be worth up to 5 extra credit percentage points, on a prorated basis: Up to half the homework turned in an accepted will be worth no points, all the homework will be worth 5 points, and points between.



Revised: August 30, 2010. Questions to:
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