\documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \textwidth=6.5truein \textheight=9truein \oddsidemargin=-0.0truein \newcommand{\Z}{\mathsf{Z}\kern-4.5pt\mathsf{Z}} \newcommand{\R}{\mathsf{I}\kern-1.5pt\mathsf{R}} \newcommand{\N}{\mathsf{I}\kern-1.6pt\mathsf{N}} \newcommand{\Q}{\mathsf{C}\kern-4.9pt\mathsf{Q}} \newcommand{\C}{\mathsf{C}\kern-4.9pt\mathsf{C}} \newcommand{\mtx}[2]{\left(\begin{array}{#1} #2 \end{array}\right)} \newcommand{\lcm}{{\rm lcm}} \newcommand{\Aut}{{\rm Aut}} \newcommand{\Inn}{{\rm Inn}} \newcommand{\mod}[1]{~{\rm mod}~#1} \begin{document} \pagestyle{empty} \voffset -.8 true in %\hoffset -.1 true in \Large \noindent Three last things: (1) If the file says to install a graphics package like {\tt graphicx}, it is possible to make a picture with a graphics program, save it in {\tt .png} format (``portable network graphics'') and have it appear in your document. (The {\tt .jpg} format works, too, but the images seem ``smudged''.) \centerline{\includegraphics[scale=.7]{notes18a.png}} \centerline{\includegraphics[scale=1.2]{notes18a.png}} \centerline{\includegraphics[scale=1.2]{notes18a.jpg}} (2) After you have first typed the {\tt .tex} file and try to run it through \LaTeX, you certainly will have made errors. In Texmaker, the lower window will just say ``exited with errors'', and you will need to click on the little ``screen'' icon next to this message to read the log file and find the errors. If you issued the ``pdflatex'' command in a DOS window, the program will tell you where and what it {\it thinks} the first error is and say, with a question mark, ``Now what?'' Reply with an x (and a carriage return) to get back to the command prompt so that you can look at the .log file. In either case, when you have decided what went wrong, you can edit the {\tt .tex} file. (3) After creating the {\tt .tex} file and viewing it, you will undoubtedly want to make changes. You can edit and resave and re``\TeX''the file as much as you want. If you are using Texmaker, the .pdf viewer will close the file automatically when you click the ``pdflatex'' arrow again. But if you issued the ``pdflatex'' command through a DOS window, before you run it through \LaTeX\ again, \underbar{close it} in the viewer (Adobe Reader, or whatever). Otherwise, \LaTeX\ will complain that it can't write to the {\tt .pdf} file because it is in use by another program. Then you will have to close it and type {\tt firstfile.pdf} again. (Repeating commands in the command window is easy with the up and down arrow keys.) \end{document} \centerline{\includegraphics[scale=]{.png}}