Department of Mathematics

Math 312 - Applied Mathematics: Social Sciences
Spring 2005

Converting a map that depends on older states to a simple map

In some maps, the state at step n+1 depends on not just the state at step n, but also on the states at steps n-1, n-2, etc. These notes give examples of converting such a map into a higher dimensional map in which the state at step n+1 depends only on the state at step n.

Example 1
Suppose we have the map
xn+1 = f(xn,xn-1,xn-2,xn-3)
We define
an+1 = xn
bn+1 = an
cn+1 = bn
Then we have xn-1 = an, xn-2 = bn, and xn-3 = cn.
The map can now be written
xn+1 = f(xn,an,bn,cn)
an+1 = xn
bn+1 = an
cn+1 = bn
The state of the system is now described by a four dimensional vector, and the state at step n+1 is a function of the state at step n only.
Example 2
Now consider the system
xn+1 = f(xn,xn-1,xn-2,yn,yn-1)
yn+1 = g(xn,xn-1,xn-2,yn,yn-1)
We define
an+1 = xn
bn+1 = an
cn+1 = yn

Then we have xn-1 = an, xn-2 = bn, and yn-1 = cn.

With these definitions, the new state vector is (xn,yn,an,bn,cn), and the map is

xn+1 = f(xn,an,bn,yn,cn)
yn+1 = g(xn,an,bn,yn,cn)
an+1 = xn
bn+1 = an
cn+1 = yn