Notes for installing AUTO2000 (version 0.9.8) on a Mac (OS X 10.4.6)

These notes are for installing AUTO2000 (version 0.9.8) on a Mac running OS X 10.4.6.
  1. Install the Mac Development Tools (if you don't already have them).
  2. Get the AUTO file auto2000-0.9.8.tar.bz2 from the SourceForge web site, and put it in your home directory.
  3. In a terminal, enter the following commands:
     $ tar xvjf auto2000-0.9.8.tar.bz2
     $ cd auto/2000
     $ ./configure --with-F77=no
     $ make
    (F77 is disabled because the Mac Development environment does not include Fortran. I haven't needed any of the Fortran programs that are included with AUTO. If you need them, you can install g77 from fink--do this before running the configure command, and don't use the --with-F77=no argument.)
  4. Move to the cmds subdirectory
     $ cd cmds
    and use your favorite text editor to edit the file cmds.make. Change this line
    LIBS       =   -L$(AUTO_DIR)/lib -lauto -lauto_f2c -lm
    to this
    LIBS       = $(AUTO_DIR)/lib/libauto.a $(AUTO_DIR)/lib/libauto_f2c.a -lm
    (Why? As far as I can tell, the -L option doesn't work in the Mac's gcc. I'm sure there are valid technical reasons for this, but from this naive Mac user's point of view, -L is simply broken. The above change gives the full paths to the libraries that AUTO uses.)
  5. Before running AUTO, enter the following commands in your terminal:
     $ source ~/auto/2000/cmds/
     $ export PATH=.:$PATH
    The first command defines the environment variable $AUTO_DIR, and modifies $PATH to include $(AUTO_DIR)/cmds and $(AUTO_DIR)/bin. The second command adds the "current directory" to $PATH.