Where's the Fun Stuff?
A student asked, "Where's the fun stuff?",
the interesting background and applications that are often
omitted from formal course work for lack of time. The most
honest answer is, "I don't know," because what one person finds
interesting can be boring and trivial to another. What follows
is my personal list of "fun stuff", i.e., books that I read and
enjoyed as a math student, that helped me make historical
connections, know a little about the lives of famous mathematicians,
appreciate their achievements, and simply be entertained by
stories, jokes, riddles and quotations. That this list consists
of books, and mostly rather hoary ones at that, just shows my age.
The visitor to this page is encouraged to look among the more
recent books of math for the general reader, the growing number of
journals and articles for math students and teachers, and the
explosion of mathematical web sites, to find his or her own
"fun stuff". I hope my colleagues will feel free to make their own
lists, to help guide the visitor among the many sources
that are available.
Lantz's List of Fun Math Stuff:
- Howard Eves, An Introduction to the History of
Mathematics. It is a great help in gaining an overview of
mathematics to have some sense of who did what, where, and under
what circumstances. Some history of math texts are very thorough
in listing contributors and their contributions in technical
terms but do not explain those terms (which in some cases have
fallen out of use, so they cannot be found elsewhere, either).
Eves' text, now in at least its seventh edition, strives for
more clarity. I particularly enjoy the "problem studies" at
the end of each chapter, where the reader gets to reproduce
some of the mathematical achievements of the past, sometimes in
its own terms, sometimes using modern methods. Two books that
can supplement this text are:
- Eric Temple Bell, Men of Mathematics. The prejudices
of the author (and his time) are evident in the title, and he
is often accused of not letting the facts get in the way of a
good story. But this book of short biographies of great
mathematicians of the past lets the reader see them not as just
names in a text but people with gifts and flaws.
- Ronald Calinger, ed., Classics of Mathematics.
Historical overview, extended excerpts of the (translated) actual
articles written by the masters, and biographical and mathematical
- Edwin A. Abbott, Flatland. Not really a math book;
rather a parable for tolerance. But every math person should
read this (and its modern extension, Sphereland, and
G. H. Hardy's A Mathematician's Apology, and . . . but
this one is the place to start).
- Philip J. Davis and Reuben Hersh, The Mathematical
Experience. An entertaining description of what being a
working mathematician is like. Pure math gets a gentle slap,
because the authors are applied mathematicians, but most of
it sounds right to me.
- George E. Martin, The Foundations of Geometry and the
Non-Euclidean Plane. As a geometry text, there is much to
like and much to dislike about this book; the description of
non-Euclidean geometry is exceedingly technical. But the
"graffiti" at the end of most chapters, mostly quotations from
mathematicians and nonmathematicians, are very entertaining
and illuminating.
- Underwood Dudley, Mathematical Cranks. A collection
of topics about people who may be right (e.g., the Duodecimal
Society, who advocate switching to base-12 notation), wrong (the
circle-squarers, who try to solve a problem that was long ago
proved impossible), or just plain incomprehensible (I've received
papers from a few of these myself); but all destined for
mathematical oblivion. Dudley has other books (e.g., The
Trisectors) and is always clear and fun.
- Petr Beckmann, A History of Pi. This is exactly
what the title suggests: A study of the number pi, from
ancient approximations (3, in the Old Testament) to modern
attempts to set its value by action of the Indiana State Senate.
Geometry, calculus, infinite series, etc., all get in there
somewhere. It's a chance to see a broad stretch of math
from an apparently small starting point.
- Howard Eves, In Mathematical Circles. Quotations and
anecdotes about famous mathematicians. Eves just wanted to share
a few "goodies" that he had collected with math teachers, to use
to jazz up their lectures; but the original two volumes were so
popular that he had to add three more. The fourth is Mathematical
Circles Adieu, and the fifth, published eleven years later,
is Return to Mathematical Circles -- his public demanded more.
- Life Science Library, Mathematics. This is largely a
picture book, with elementary introductions to several fields of
mathematics; but the pictures are so clear and so colorful that
that it's fun to look through (and use as a source for lectures,
if needed). The full-page photo of Kurt Gödel is impressive.
- Clifton Fadiman, Fantasia Mathematica.
This is largely nonsense with a mathematical
slant: Stories about a topology professor who folds himself into a
no-sided figure and disappears, and about a house that collapses
into a four-dimensional cube; jokes; limericks; and at least one
tragic tale by H. G. Wells. It's great fun. There is also a
companion volume, The Mathematical Magpie.
There are lots of other books that should be here -- I feel
particularly bad about omitting Ross Honsberger's growing number of
contributions to the Dolciani Mathematical Expositions series, and
Ivars Peterson's Islands of Truth and The Mathematical
Tourist -- but I came to them late, and I intended this list
to be the ones I've known and enjoyed for a long time. I hope you
enjoy them, too!
David Lantz
Mathematics Department
Colgate University
13 Oak Drive
Hamilton, NY 13346-1398
email: dlantz@mail.colgate.edu
phone: 315-228-7737
fax: 315-228-7004
Revised: July 11, 2000.
Copyright © 2000 Colgate University. All rights reserved.