Submitting an article for consideration in Integers is done electronically by emailing a file to integersjournal@gmail.com.
Submissions must be in pdf format.
Important note: once an article is accepted, we will require a source file and any associated graphics files. See below for more information.
When an article is submitted, an email will be sent (within the next several days) to the submitting author acknowledging receipt of the paper. The Editors will assess the paper and decide if it will be sent out to be refereed. Sometimes, either because the paper is deemed to be of insufficient quality or because its focus lies outside the journal's scope, the submission will not be formally refereed, and the submitting author will be notified of this decision. For all other submissions, one or more referee reports will be obtained. We use a blind peer-review process in which the names of the authors of the manuscript are known to the referees, but the authors do not know the identity of the referees. Important criteria considered by the referees and editors include the following:
When authors are informed that the editors plan to accept the paper, they will be asked to do the following: (a) format the paper according to the formatting instructions (see below), and (b) carefully proofread the paper and repair all grammar and formatting errors. Once these steps are done, the authors should send the new LaTeX file, the corresponding .pdf file, and any graphics files (if needed) as separate attachments. Note that papers will not be formally accepted for publication until all the above-mentioned steps have been satisfactorily completed
In order for Integers to be as homogeneous in appearance as possible, and to help insure a quicker publication of your paper, we request that you follow a few basic guidelines, given below, while formatting your paper for publication in Integers:
Important: Please include any and all line skips that are given below.
The beginning of your latex file should read exactly as follows:
\textwidth= 5.00in
\textheight= 7.4in
\topmargin = 30pt
\usepackage{amssymb,latexsym,amsmath,epsfig,amsthm} %% Add other packages as necessary
\renewcommand\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}
{-30pt \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}
{2.3ex \@plus.2ex}
{-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}
{1.5ex \@plus .2ex}
\renewcommand{\@seccntformat}[1]{\csname the#1\endcsname. }
%% add any other theorem environments you will used
Next comes your title and author list information in the following construct:
\centerline{\smallit Received: , Revised: , Accepted: , Published: } % We will fill in
the dates
\vskip 30pt
Followed by your abstract in the following construct:
\centerline{\bf Abstract}
Put your abstract here. Please limit it to half of a page of text.
\markright{\smalltt INTEGERS: 25 (2025)\hfill}
\vskip 30pt
Your paper starts here with your first section.
\noindent{\bf Theorem 1} ([4]). {\em If $x > 1$, then $x+1 > 2$.}
\begin{theorem}[\cite{XYZ}] If $x > 1$, then $x+1 > 2$.
\vskip 20pt\noindent {\bf Acknowledgement.} or \vskip20pt\noindent {\bf Acknowledgements.}
It is important that your references be part of your paper and not in a separate file. The Reference section should be the last section, unless there are appendices (which come after the reference section).
J. Deer and K. Doe, On the history of mathematics, {\it J. of the World} {\bf 52} (1999), 123-135.
J. Deer and K. Doe, On the history of mathematics, {\it J. of the World} {\bf 52} (3) (1999), 123-135.
A. Jones, L. Smith, and C. Vector, {\it The Theory of Everything}, Publishing Company, New York, 1987.
D. B. Cooper, {\it How to Make Money}, Ph.D. thesis, Skyfall University, 1971.
A. Reid and B. Wright, Important number theory result, in {\it The Big Math Book}, Publishing Company, Boston, MA, 1975, 123-135.
R. Evans and D. Zager, Math in the future, preprint, {\tt arXiv: 2525.31415}.
\bibitem{A} J. Author, My first math paper, {\it Integers} {\bf 25} (2020), \#A32.
\bibitem{CD} I. Can and N. Do, Proof of existence, {\it J. Math. Stuff} {\bf 17} (2000), 19-23.