Math 311 - Applied Mathematics: Physical Sciences - Spring 2007
Homework 3
Due Friday, March 2 (by 5 PM).
Hand in:
- 3.2.1 (a, e, g) Your sketch should include the interval -3L < x < 3L.
This problem requires no calculations; you do not have to find the
Fourier coefficients to make the sketch.
- 3.2.2 (a, d, g)
- 3.3.1 (a, b) Assume L = 1.
- 3.3.2 (a, c)
- 3.3.5 (c)
- 3.3.18
- 3.4.6
- 3.5.4
Additional recommended exercises (do not hand in):
- 3.2.1 (b, d, f)
- 3.2.2 (c, f)
- 3.3.1 (d)
- 3.3.2 (d)
- 3.4.9
- 3.5.1