Department of Mathematics

Math 312 - Applied Mathematics: Social Sciences
Spring 2006

Math 312 Final Project

The final project for Math 312 can be either an extension of a model that we have discussed in class, or a problem of your choice that you analyze using the tools discussed in the class.

The three main types of models that we have discussed are

We have also used dimensional analysis to study the relations among the parameters in a problem, and we used nondimensionalization to reduce the number of parameters.

Here are some of the models that we have discussed in class.

The possibilities for modifying or extending these models are endless. For example: You may also have seen problems in other classes that could be analyzed with the tools we have discussed in Math 312. These could be problems in economics, political science, sociology, biology, etc. For example, a model from another class in which the mathematical details were glossed over because the instructor wanted to avoid differential equations would make a great project for Math 312.


The project must include: I am not looking for a fifty page thesis. Think of it as designing your own challenging Math 312 homework problem, and then writing a detailed solution to the problem.

Numerical Computations

Several of the models that we discussed in class were simulated on the computer using programs that I wrote and made available on the web. If you have a problem that requires numerical computations (for example, a set of nonlinear differential equations with three or more dimensions), talk to me about setting up some tools for you to use.