Warren Weckesser
Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
-- Wernher von Braun
Results! Why, man, I have gotten a lot of results. I know several thousand things that won't work.
-- Thomas Edison
A partial list of my research interests:
Bifurcations of fast/slow systems
Coupled Relaxation Oscillators
Forced van der Pol Equation
Equadiff2003 PDF
-- A conference presentation.
Reduced System Computing
Mechanical systems (including whirling things and rapidly vibrating things)
Whirling of the
Modeling the human menstrual cycle
Other links:
Summer 2002 REU at Cornell
Summer 2003 files
Summer 2004 REU at Cornell
Summer 2005
Repository of notes, files, etc.
Some of my collaborators:
Mark Levi
(Penn State)
John Guckenheimer
(Cornell University)
Kathleen Hoffman
(University of Maryland, Baltimore County)
Mary Lou Zeeman
(University of Texas at San Antonio)
Dmitry Gokhman
(University of Texas at San Antonio)