I am still learning about this stuff, so it might not work as expected. Let me know if there are any problems.
Login in to a computer in the lab, and start a console. Enter the following commands. (You need to do this once on each computer that you will use.) Replace userid with your login name, and replace NN with the appropriate number. (For example, if you are on mathlab03, replace NN with 03.)
$ ssh-keygen -t dsa -f ~/.ssh/id_dsa -C "userid@mathlabNN.colgate.edu"You will be asked for a "passphrase".
$ cat ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub | ssh userid@horseshoe.colgate.edu 'cat - >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'You will be asked for your password on horseshoe.colgate.edu.
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_dsaIf everything has worked, you can now ssh to horseshoe without having to enter a password. You should also be able to access the subversion repository without needing a password. To test your access to horseshoe, try this:
$ ssh horseshoe.colgate.eduYou should end up logged into horseshoe, without being prompted for a password. To leave horseshoe, use "exit".
Note: The above will work on the Linux computers in the lab. These computers start the command ssh-agent automatically. On other Linux or Mac computers, you may have to start ssh-agent manually before ssh and the svn commmands will work. Here is one way:
$ eval `ssh-agent -s`
There is a Subversion book online at http://svnbook.red-bean.com/.
Here are some of the basic commands:
$ svn checkout svn+ssh://horseshoe.colgate.edu/srv/svn/cpldosc/trunk cpldosc
$ svn add filename
Note: No special command is needed if you change an existing file. Also, there are other subversion commands to handle renaming or deleting files.
$ svn update
$ svn commit -m "Add an explanation of your changes here."