Math 308 - Differential Equations

Fall 2002

Instructor: Warren Weckesser
314 McGregory, (315) 228-7228
Office Hours:Tuesday, Wednesday: 2:00-3:30 PM
 Thursday: 8:30-11:00 AM, 2:00-3:30 PM
Lecture: MWF, 9:20-10:10, McGregory 215
Text: Differential Equations, Second Edition
  by Blanchard, Devaney and Hall
  Brooks/Cole (2002)
Web Page:

Course Information: PDF, Postscript
Other Handouts

Maple Worksheets

These are Maple Worksheets that can be saved and loaded into Maple.
Old Exams

Some sounds:
  1. 440 Hz tone (a 3 second WAV file): The function is cos(2*pi*440*t).
  2. 445 Hz tone (a 3 second WAV file): The function is cos(2*pi*445*t).
  3. Beats (a 3 second WAV file): The function is cos(2*pi*440*t) - cos(2*pi*445*t).

# Assignment Solutions
1 PDF, Postscript PDF, Postscript
2 PDF, Postscript PDF, Postscript (These do not have the ``last page''.)
3 PDF, Postscript PDF, Postscript (Does not include Problems 3 and 4.)
4 PDF, Postscript  
5 2.1/ 2, 4, 8, 18, 20
2.2/ 8, 30
6 PDF, Postscript  
7 PDF  
8 PDF  
9 PDF  
10 PDF  
11 PDF