DDE-BIFTOOL is a MATLAB package for bifurcation analysis of delay differental equations.
A set of MATLAB files configured for the DDE-BIFTOOL package
are created by the command
The vector field must have at least one delay expression.
Note: Currently VFGEN only generates DDE-BIFTOOL files for systems with constant delays.
path |
The path option allows the user to specify a directory that
is added to the MATLAB search path in the sys_init.m file.
For example, if the VFGEN command
$ vfgen ddebiftool:path="/home/wweckesser/ddebiftool" sc2000.vf
is given, the line
path(path,'/home/wweckesser/ddebiftool');is added to the sys_init.m file. Default: If the path option is not used, the following comments are added to sys_init.m: # Add the DDE-BIFTOOL path here, if necessary. # path(path,''); |
The file mg.vf defines the Mackey-Glass equation. The command