A Python file that can be used with PyDSTool is created by the command
This command creates the file [name]_args.py, where [name] is the name of the vector field given in the vector field file. The file defines the Python function [name]_args(), which returns an "args" object that can be used to create a PyDSTool Generator.
demo |
If the option demo=yes is given,
the file [name]_dst.py
is also created. This program provides a sample Python script
that uses a Generator to plot a solution to the differential
The initial conditions and parameter values for the solution
are the default values defined in the vector
field file.
Default: demo=no |
Here is a sample vector field file: vanderpol.vf.
The files created by
The command
In this example, we use the PyCont subpackage of PyDSTool to compute a two parameter bifurcation diagram for the Morris-Lecar equations.
A vector field file for the Morris-Lecar equation is MorrisLecar.vf. We generate the file MorrisLecar_args.py with the command
$ python MorrisLecar_cont.py Setting up for one parameter continuation of an equilibrium point. Computing the curve. LP Point found LP Point found H Point found Setting up for two parameter continuation of the Hopf point. Computing the curve. GH Point found GH Point found BT Point found Setting up for two parameter continuation of the first limit point. Computing the curve. CP Point found BT Point found Generating the plot in MorrisLecar_cont.png. $The following plot shows the result: