LaTeX is a program for typesetting documents.
The LaTeX command can be used to create a LaTeX fragment that can be used in a LaTeX document.
The command
In the vector field file, the following elements can be given a Latex attribute: Constant, Parameter, Expression, StateVariable. This will override the default LaTeX representation of the symbol in the LaTeX output. (See Example 2 below.)
Note: The conversion to LaTeX is handled by the GiNaC library. In general, expressions will not look the same as the formulas that were entered in the vector field file. GiNaC will often rearrange (and possible simplify) the expressions. You should consider the LaTeX generated by VFGEN as a starting point that may need additional editing.
Here is a sample vector field file: pendulum.vf.
The LaTeX commands created by
\begin{equation} \begin{split} \frac{d \theta}{d t} & =v\\ \frac{d v}{d t} & =-\frac{ b v}{ m L^{2}}-\frac{ g \sin(\theta)}{L}\\ \end{split} \label{eqn:pendulum} \end{equation}(The comments have not been included. The actual file is here: pendulum.tex.)
Note that the LaTeX command \theta is used for the variable theta automatically; it will be typeset by LaTeX as θ.
Here is a simple LaTeX document to show how this files generated by VFGEN can be used: main.tex. When processed with the command pdflatex the result is main.pdf.
Here is a version of the Mackey-Glass delay equation, in which the Latex attribute has been assigned in the delayedx Expression:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <VectorField Name="MackeyGlass"> <Parameter Name="a" DefaultValue="0.2" /> <Parameter Name="b" DefaultValue="0.1" /> <Parameter Name="tau" DefaultValue="17.0" Description="Delay time" /> <Expression Name="delayedx" Formula="delay(x,tau)" Description="x(t-tau)" Latex="x(t-\tau)" /> <StateVariable Name="x" Formula="-b*x+a*delayedx/(1+delayedx^10)" DefaultInitialCondition="0"/> </VectorField>(The file is here: MackeyGlass2.vf.) The command
The file mg2.tex shows how the file
produced by VFGEN can be used. The result is mg2.pdf,
or here: