A Fortran 77 file that can be used with RADAU5 is created by the command
This command creates the Fortran file [name]_rhs.f, where [name] is the name of the vector field given in the vector field file. The file contains the following subroutines:
demo |
If the option demo=yes is given,
the file [name]_dr5.f
is also created. This program provides
a sample driver for the RADAU5 subroutine.
The initial conditions and parameter values
are the default values defined in the vector
field file.
Default: demo=no |
Here is a sample vector field file: vanderpol.vf.
The files created by
The files radau5.f and dc_lapack.f can be downloaded from the RADAU5 web site. I will use the g77 Fortran compiler. In a Linux (or similar) system, in which the LAPACK library is installed in a standard location, the following commands will compile and run vanderpol_dr5.