MATH 320: Abstract Algebra I

TEXT: Dan Saracino, Abstract Algebra, A First Course, Second edition, Waveland Press, 2008.


WEB ADDRESS: This page has the web address:

I encourage you to bookmark it in your browser for later use.

HOMEWORK: Due dates will be specified. To get to the index page for the solutions, type the code word in the box, then click the button:

TESTS: There will be three mid-term exams, on Tuesday evenings, 7:30-9:30 p.m., on the dates and in the place specified in the calendar. A cumulative final exam will be given during the officially scheduled final exam periods for this course (see the calendar -- no matter which section you are in, you may take the final during either period). If it is impossible for you to take any of the exams during the scheduled period(s), please see me to set a time to take it early, ahead of the scheduled period. The date and time for the final cannot be altered; please consult the final exam schedule before making travel plans.

GRADING: Homework will be worth one-fifth of the course grade, and each exam (including the final) will be worth one-fifth of the grade. The grading will likely be based on a 90-80-70-60 scale, but I will feel free to shade results near the boundaries. In particular, I am more impressed by mastery than by industry: If Student A has exam grades average 85 and homework brings the average to an 87, while Student B has exam grades average 89 and homework brings it down to an 87, I am more likely to give a B+ to Student B.


Course calendar: Click here.


  1. If you see an error at the board, or if you do not understand something, stop me and ask (even if everyone else seems to understand).
  2. Doing the homework, regularly and thoughtfully, is absolutely essential to your success in the course.

Revised: 30 April 2011. Questions to:
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